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Git - Commit Keyword

commonly used commit types

Commit TypeDescription
🎉 featA new feature or enhancement added to the codebase.
🔧 fixA bug fix.
🧹 choreRoutine tasks, maintenance, or other non-functional changes.
📘 docsDocumentation updates, such as README, comments, or documentation files.
✨ styleChanges related to code formatting, indentation, or style.
🧹 refactorCode changes that neither fix a bug nor add a feature, but improve the structure, efficiency, or readability.
testAdding or modifying tests.
perfPerformance improvements or optimizations.
buildChanges related to the build process, tools, or dependencies.
ciChanges to Continuous Integration (CI) configuration or scripts.
revertReverting a previous commit.
mergeMerging branches, often automatically generated by version control systems.


Resolved issue causing application crash when validation fails.

🔧 fix(validation): fix null pointer exception in form validation

Clarified the installation steps in the README file.

📘 docs(readme): update installation instructions

Made sure all buttons have consistent padding and spacing.

✨ style(buttons): adjust button spacing for consistency

Reorganized data fetching code to reduce duplication and improve readability.

refactor(api): simplify data fetching logic

Created unit tests to verify the behavior of the login service.

test(user-auth): add unit tests for login service

Refactored database queries to improve API response performance.

perf(api): optimize database queries for faster response times