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PostgreSQL String

To construct a full PostgreSQL connection string (such as postgresql://johndoe:randompassword@localhost:5432/mydb?schema=public), you need the following details:

  1. Username: The username you use to connect to PostgreSQL.
  2. Password: The password for the PostgreSQL user.
  3. Host: The server where PostgreSQL is running (e.g., localhost if it's local).
  4. Port: The port PostgreSQL is listening on (default is 5432).
  5. Database Name: The name of the specific database you're connecting to.
  6. Schema (optional): The schema within the database (e.g., public is the default).

Example Format of a PostgreSQL Connection String


Step-by-Step Example

  1. Username: Let's say the username is johndoe.
  2. Password: The password is randompassword.
  3. Host: The host is localhost.
  4. Port: The port is 5432.
  5. Database Name: The database name is mydb.
  6. Schema (optional): The schema is public.

The connection string would look like:


How to Obtain Each Component

  • Username & Password: These are typically set during the PostgreSQL setup process. You can check for existing users with the following SQL query in psql:


    You can create a new user and set a password with:

    CREATE USER johndoe WITH PASSWORD 'randompassword';
  • Host: If you're running PostgreSQL locally, the host will be localhost. If it's remote, you'll use the server's IP address or domain name.

  • Port: The default port for PostgreSQL is 5432. If it's different, you'll need to check your PostgreSQL configuration file (postgresql.conf) or with your database administrator.

  • Database Name: You can list the databases with:


    You can create a new database if needed with:

  • Schema: You can list the schemas in the current database with:


    The default schema is usually public.

Putting It All Together

Here's the final connection string for connecting to the mydb database using the johndoe user, the password randompassword, on the local PostgreSQL server (localhost), on port 5432, and using the public schema:


This connection string can be used in various applications or tools to connect to the PostgreSQL database.